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Every Sunday until December 27, 2020

10:00am – 12:00pm

Location: 15503 Usher St, San Lorenzo, CA 94580, San Lorenzo, California 94580

Category: Gateway Life

Dear Gateway Family...

We will continue to meet indoors this Sunday at First Southern Baptist Church.  Last week went exceptionally well and you all did such a great job understanding the limitations we are facing and doing your best to cooperate with the arrangements we have made.  Let’s continue to work together being mindful of the Covid-19 restrictions related to indoor gatherings (a little tighter than outdoor gatherings) while at the same time exercising our liberty in Christ.  To that end, please read afresh the instructions below.  Some things may have changed.

Note: If you are not able to attend (for various reasons) please be assured that our Livestream is still a priority.  We love you, miss you, and want you to be a part of our Sunday Mornings as best you can under the circumstances.  We ask that you take a moment and let us know how you are doing and how we can pray for you.

1. Masks - We are asking that for this Sunday you keep your masks on except for when we sing. So, yes, that means that we are asking you to keep your masks on during those times when we are notsinging. This is different from what we have been doing for Outdoor Church. The protocols differ somewhat from Outdoor Church to Indoor Church simply because of open space airflow being better outdoors.

2. Understanding/Patience/Cooperation – Please keep in mind that we have not had to face this challenge before. We are trying to think through all the various issues, but we may be blind to some. We are asking that you help us out with constructive feedback so that we can all learn to do a better job each week.

3. Seating - Due to Covid-19 Guidelines we are limited in how many people can be seated in the auditorium. To that end there will be three areas where you can gather:

  • Auditorium (56 people, plus worship team) - Where the numbers are 56 people, in bubbles and/or social distanced. We will be keeping a gap of one pew between groups.
  • The Upper Room (23 people) – Of course, that is where Jesus hangs out with His faithful disciples. We will have seats set up and a Livestream (Hopefully in Real Time) either on a TV or through a projector. This may be a good place for those who have younger children to gather, where there might be more freedom.
  • The Fellowship Hall (12 people) – Just off the Kitchen. This will be available for maybe two families, as needed.


The difficulty we face is that we can’t all fit in the auditorium, so we will need to spread out over the facility so as to accommodate everyone. To that end we will be rotating the Bubbles in the Upper Room each week.

There will still be room in the Upper Room for about 10-12 people.


Also, we will be designating a space for visitors and/or those who have just begun to attend Gateway. It will be our sacrifice to give them seats in the auditorium.

4. Traffic Flow – There will be a newly established flow of traffic (based on Covid-19 guidelines) to help us navigate our way around the facility. Two areas of specific concern.

  • Auditorium – There is only one door from the auditorium to the restrooms and the rest of the facility. We will need to have a stop & check the location to make sure only one person/family walks through that door at any time.
  • Stairs – There are two sets of stairs that will take you to the upstairs of the Educational Wing of the church. One set of stairs will be for “Up” traffic. The other staircase will be for the “Down” traffic.

5. Sign Up – It is really important that you sign up to let us know of your intentions to be at church on Sunday Morning. This will help us place you in the best location considering the size of your family. Please note that some of you will be asked to sit in either the Upper Room or in the Fellowship Hall due simply to needed space. We hope that you understand.

6. Feedback – Although I touched on it earlier, we learn best when we reflect on the challenges that faced us on any given Sunday. So, we are asking you for honest feedback.

Standard Instructions for Sunday Church...

Livestream: Livestreaming will continue for those who cannot attend or are not comfortable joining others at this time. The link is...


Location: We will be meeting in the back parking lot at the First Southern Baptist Church in San Lorenzo. It is located in the neighborhood off of Hesperian Boulevard across from Walmart/Taco Bell and behind Big-5 Sporting Goods next to the cemetery.

Parking: Since we will not be using the church parking lot, you may park in the church parking lot. There will be plenty of parking available. Please be mindful to not leave any valuables in your car.

Time: This Sunday we will begin the service at 10:30, so please make it a point to arrive early in order to check-in, find your spot, and set up. We ask that you come early to make sure that you are checked in and ready to go at 10:30.

Church Service: This will only be a church service (Singing, Prayer, Announcements, Sermon). That means that we will not be having any children’s ministry, or student ministries meet. Family’s will need to sit together and remain together for the duration of the service.  There will be a nursery available for nursing mothers and squirrelly kids...

COVID-19 Guidelines: We recognize, based on our recent COVID-19 survey, that we will have varying views, feelings, and perspectives about COVID-19 precautions. So, it will be important that we make it a priority to be respectful of one another, considerate, and looking for ways to make sure that everyone feels comfortable and safe. Our desire is to do our best to meet the spirit of the COVID-19 protocols/guidelines while at the same time exercising our liberty in Christ. To that end, we want to emphasize three General Principles that should guide us.

  1. Masks – Because this is an official Gateway Bible Church gathering, we ask that you wear masks from the moment you check in to the moment you leave. The only exception is when you are settled in your pod so as to sing! So, if you do leave your pod area please be sure to have your mask on.
  2. Distance – We want to emphasize that outside of our pods we should be working hard to maintain social distancing (which is really hard when there is a cute and cuddly newborn or a friend you haven’t seen in a long time). We realize that there will be times when this will be difficult, i.e. setting up for church, putting up canopies, etc., or tear-down. But we ask that we all work hard to practice social distancing where it is reasonable and possible.
  3. Grace – This is important because we all know what it is like to forget to wear our masks or stumble into someone’s personal COVID-19 space.  Please hear this: We want to continue to grow and develop in all of these areas considering one another and thinking the best of each other.

Below are some specific guidelines to help us all:


  • Please check-in at the church entrance. Your temperature and attendance will be recorded before entry. Masks are required upon entry.
  • If you are sick, have a fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, or have been exposed to anyone with COVID-19 within the past 14 days, please remain at home!
  • Please maintain 6’ social distance from others (who are not part of your family or social bubble).


  •  Please observe and follow all signs and arrows directing the flow of traffic.
  • Restrooms are one family at a time. Please wait outside on the marked lines until the restroom is vacant.
  • Please wash your hands after using the restroom. Hand soap and disinfectant will be provided.
  • Restrooms will be sanitized every 30 minutes for your safety.


  • Please be mindful and respectful of health and safety protocols (masks, 6’ social distance) after service is over.

Food & Drink: Gateway will not be providing any food or drinks as refreshments. If you bring any drink (coffee, water) please be sure that it is only for your own family and is not to be shared with others. Remember, we will be outside, so please be prepared (Water, etc.)

Bulletins/Song Lyrics: We will not be able to hand out Bulletins and will likely not have a PowerPoint available (we may, but it is secondary). To that end, we will be sending digital copies of both and ask that you print up what your family will need on that morning. The document will be available on Saturday evening.

It is so good to see all of you as we gather as God’s Church again...

Pastor Rod & the Elders (Albert & Ed)

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